Founder Desk

Founder Desk


I recall my childhood incidence when I was about four and half years old. We were in a market when my eyes fell on an ice cream parlour. As always I asked my dad to get me a cone to which he said if I wanted it, I had to get it myself. I was quite nervous since it was the first time I was approaching a stranger. I hesitantly went for it and after I got it, I was very proud of myself and told my father “ See dad!! I’ve got it!!” From that day I realised that you have to face fears of yourself, and step-up when the situation arises.

It was during the last lockdown that idea of We Care Health Center and Studio Dentale was conceptualized. Just out of college after completing my postgraduation with a Gold medal from the prestigious Manipal University , I wasn’t sure if I was ready to take this massive project head on. My father being an entrepreneur asked me “Who according to you is an entrepreneur?” I was quite taken back and was searching for answers. He said “it is someone who has enough courage to do things – courage to undertake what others only dream of ” .From that day I realised that you have to face fears of yourself, and step-up no matter what. My dads presence in my nascent yet fascinating journey has been an invaluable asset for me as I know that he is there to guide me through my path with his vast entrepreneurial experiences whenever I need it.

I hold a special place in my heart for the name “Studio Dentale “ as I always wanted to create a dental studio for designer digital smiles and also because of my love for dental photography.The name also mirrors my passion to ensure a surreal dental experience to all my patients who have placed their trust in my team to deliver quality care.

From there on, We Care Health Center and Studio Dentale have come a long way with expansion in the terms of machinery, space and manpower with about 42 team members currently , from only my father and me. With many sleepless nights and covid disruptions to the entire process over the past year ,we are finally living our dream being fulfilled. As we reflect upon our journey, it has been an amazing experience of passion, dedication, grit and a sense of desire to achieve the unthinkable that has driven us so far.

As we move into the future ,we move forward with a solemn promise that we will stand by and deliver on every bit of our promise and make sure we are truly here to make a difference to each one of your health and wellness.The value and the ethos that I want my company to stand for is to not just create dazzling designer smiles but also to improve the quality of life to the deserving and the needy in our society by providing them affordable health care as a part of its long term vision.

I am eternally grateful to my dad for the hunger he has instilled in me and also been a motivation to keep working hard to continuously improve everyday , where money is not the driving force, but our desire to achieve our visions are. I understand that this is just the beginning of my journey and I am committed to lifelong learning for I have not come this far to only come this far……

"Your overall health is our greatest wealth"